Home » Apostle Sediq canvasses joint crusade by preachers, says many fathers have lost their feathers

Apostle Sediq canvasses joint crusade by preachers, says many fathers have lost their feathers


Apostle Sediq X. Moses, the general overseer of  Christ Holy Mountain International House of Prayer for All Nations, Ikotun, Lagos, has fondly relished the Church as the bride of the King of Glory. He however pointed that the Church needs to value relationship more than doctrines; saying the greatest gold is not the temple but God in the temple. “If God is in the temple, then we will value God; and not churches,” the amiable apostle exxpressed this in his book titled: Satan Must Leave the Earth (Part One).

According to the apostle, the 78-page book was a series of revelation given to him about the second coming of Jesus Christ and the power in his blood.  “This is a revelation of the testimony of what took place in heaven when Michael and his angels fought and cast the devil out of heaven (Rev 12:7-12),” he explained.

Apostle Sediq Moses, in the chapter one of the book, begins with a clarion call and an awakening message to God’s servants who have left their duty posts for the pleasure of the world. He explains the purpose of the book and gives an insight to his background as a prophet called by God to awake the Church from slumber.

“I wish to use this opportunity to share the revelation given to me by God with each and every one of us, and to beseech you to hearken unto the voice of our heavenly Father. As a vessel here to deliver the message exactly as it was given by the Holy Spirit. In complete humility, I implore you to hear me out.”

“I. Apostle Sediq X. Moses was born into the Islamic religion and by His grace was converted and won to Christ through ministrations and the power of the Holy Ghost I was saved. In quest for spiritual maturity I devotedly submitted to teachings and doctrine that made me grow in the knowledge of Christ and the Holy Spirit,” the founder of Christ Holy Mountain Church of All Nations disclosed.

The author, who says he believes God’s ultimate purpose is to save souls and deliver all men from bondage; bringing all unto His divine love and liberty, urges fellow ministers of God to work for God for the realization of the great commission to manifest for the unity of the churches, and reconciliation of His sons and daughters regardless of denominations, tribes, tongues, nations and different callings. “I urge a come together of the people of our Lord and saviour Jesus in one accord,” he appealed.

The author further enjoins God’s generals to declare together the mighty light of God in the power of the Holy Ghost and cast the gross darkness into the bottomless pit by moving together as one people of God through the Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.“In the revelation, God said to me that all men of God must unite; must come together in one accord; like God, the angels and the twenty-four elders did in heaven; to achieve this common goal of chasing the devil out of the earth to the bottomless pit.”

He then shares his dream for the Church to create an ark of rescue for people held bound in the  captivity of pains and wounds; wailing in despair, running from camp to camp asking where God is. “Let there be a joint crusade on a common ground with all our followers to bring God’s kingdom to earth,” the apostle canvassed.

In the chapter two, the author speaks on the need for the fathers in the faith to come together in unity. He reminds them about the messages of the seven churches in the book of Revelation to know where they fit individually in this present church age. “Is it the loveless church, persecuted church, compromising church, corrupt church, dead church, faithless church or the lukewarm church,” he queried.

The author then lists the values of a true Church of Jesus Christ, as follows: true love, true unity, true peace, true steadfastness, true suffering, true spirit, true life, true strength and true humility. Thereafter he paints a gloomy picture of the apostate state of most of today’s God’s generals, delves into the issues in the body of Christ, particularly among the generals, as he says God revealed to him, with grave consequences. He reminds the fathers of faiths of the disobedient martyrs of Jesus Christ, and therefore appeals to  them thus: “My fathers in the Lord; I repeat, this is the will of God, which we can bring into fulfillment and accomplishment. Otherwise, there will be grave consequences. And to bring this will of God into fulfillment, we have to look at the testimony of the past,” he appealed


In the chapter four, Apostle Sediq gives a graphic illustration with explanations on how most of God’s generals, in his words, have lost their feathers (strength) according to the revelation that he said God showed to him. He shares the revelation thus: “God took me round Africa and showed me the elders of the church. Each time He brings me to any church He takes me to the inner chamber that is the direct altar.

He continues: “The first thing I saw was an eagle. And He said to me, ‘watch, my son, and He brought to me the Book of Isaiah. I saw the wings of the eagles falling off. And as their wings were falling off they were turning to maggots. And God said that is their strength falling off; the feathers of the eagles falling off.

“Then, the Lord said for every man of God sent to the earth I gave the spirit of eagle to see the situation around them and strengthen them. Then, the Lord took me around the spirit of the wind, and I saw feathers and the garments of the eagles started dropping while some of them were blown away. The Lord said He will make sure that those who rely on their riches and their personal strength will be pulled down off until they look up to him and glorify His name,” Apostle Sediq X. Mosese shared the revelation.



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