HomeCRUSADEGod's miracles at our Iresa Adu crusade confounding - David Oyediran

God’s miracles at our Iresa Adu crusade confounding – David Oyediran

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Iresa Adu is a sleepy community near Ogbomosho in Oyo State. For six months the community experienced no single drop of rainfall in the land. This draught of rainfall brought untold harship upon the people of the village who are predominantly agrarian farmers.

The king of the community and the chiefs consulted the oracles in the land to appease the gods and the goddesses of the land to bring forth rains upon the land. But all the efforts; including the rituals and sacrifices of the oracle custodians, failed to bring forth rain in Iresa Adu.

At this juncture, the LORD of all lords and the King of all kings; the Almighty Jehovah; then instructed His own oracle, Rev. David Oyediran, to visit Iresa Adu village to host his next crusade in that community. Rev. Oyediran is the general superintendent of David Oyediran World Outreach Ministry a.k.a Glorious Vision Outreach Ministry, the evangelistic arm of Glorious Vision Churh, Ikotun, Lagos.

Just as Oyediran and his crusade team entered Iresa Adu the very first day of the scheduled crusade in the sleepy village, the servant of God prayed, “Oh God! At this crusade manifest thyself.” And suddently a torrential rainfall descended upon the entire Iresa Adu land, and the whole villagers trooped out enmass in wild jubilation to welcome the very first rainfall in the community in six months.

Rev. Oyediran and his crusade team were oblivion of the agony of the rainfall draught that the Iresa Adu people had been passing through in the last six months. To them the rainfall was a potential threat to their crusade; thus, they instantly started praying to God to stop the rain. But the people of the community forbade them vehemently from calling upon their God to stop the long awaited rainfall; explaining to the crusaders how Iresa Adu had in the last six months been making suplplications to their gods to send down the rain in Iresa Adu.

This was how God manifested His presence in Iresa Adu community, using the august visit of His oracle, Rev. David Oyediran, and his fellow crusaders to Iresa Adu to hold a 4-day Iresa Adu Power Crusade tagged: God of Miracles from Sunday 16 – Wednsday 19, May, 2004. God wrought or working of miracles, signs and wonders in the lives of people through His servant, Oyediran, is a phenomenon.

Rev. David Oyediran, General Overseer, Glorious Vision Church, Ikotun, Lagos is called of God to be an evangelist. And this was clear in the mandate the Lord gave to him on a particular night early 1994 when He commissioned him into the ministry with this scripture mandate, “Behold, I have put my words in your mouth. See I have this day set thee over the nations; and over the kingdoms to root out, and to put down; to build and to plant,” (Jeremiah 1:9-10).

This mandate has taken Rev. David Oyediran to several places within and outside Nigeria, particularly to villages, manifesting the gifts and the calling of God upon his life, which are consistently proved by the testimonies of soul winning, miracles, signs and wonders in the lives of thousands of people that attend all his evangelistic crusade outreach programmes. Oyediran crusades draw an average of 5,000 people at a single crusade. Some of the places he had held crusades in Nigeria include several communities in Ogbomosho; then Ibadan, Egan, Igando, and Ikotun etc with proofs of miraculous power of God backing each of the crusade with profound and comfounding testimonies.

The kinds of the miracles that regularly manifest at all David Oyediran World Outreach crusades within and outside Nigeria include divine healing of the sick, the blind, the lame, the paralysis, the insane, the deaf, the imbecile; the raising of the dead, the blessing of the fruit of the womb, the cure of terminal diseases; deliverances from demons and familiar spirits and demonic attacks etc.

In one of his interviews with Christian Benefits magazine, Rev. David Oyediran shared the testimony in one of his crusade outreaches in Ghana. “In a particular crusade we held in one city near Accra in Ghana, the Lord led us to anoint the entire congregation at the crusade. The congregation was so massive that I could not possibly anoint everybody. And the Lord instructed me to sprinkle the olive oil on the entire participants at the crusade. Immediately I began that there were manifestations of divine healing of several sick people; the blind, the lame and deliverances from all manners of demonic spirits and attacks in the lives of thousands of people in this particlar crusade.”

The servant of God gives further accounts on the Iresa Adu Power Crusade. “The Lord also at this particular crusade delivered a person who had a grinding stone lodged in his stomach. Two blind people, including an aged woman, also regained their sights at the crusade; not to talk of the people delivered from Ogbanje (familiar spirits) at the crusade. Oyediran frowns at people tagging him a miracle worker. He attributes to God all the miracles that take place in his crusades, saying, “I’m not the one doing the miracles. They are works of God. I don’t even know how the Lord performs them. I am amazed too whenever I see the blind, see; the lame, walk and the deaf, hear in our crusades.”

The Ogbomosho-born Rev. Davidu Oyediran recalled that he was shaken with fear the day the Lord first used him to perform a miracle, stressing that till date, “whenever I experience the hand of God upon the lives of people, I’m always scared of sharing the glory of such miracles with God. Most times when we record outstanding miracles of God in our programmes, I lock myself in my office, and start rolling on the floor to magnify the name of the Lord for the feats,” the amiable cleric finally disclosed to Christian Benefits magazine

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