HomeDISCOURSEBetween Resolution and Restitution- By Rev. Mrs. V.M Balogun

Between Resolution and Restitution- By Rev. Mrs. V.M Balogun

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To many people these two words mean the same thing. No wonder many Christians find it difficult to differentiate between the two words, and they often make the same mistake of using them interchangeably. But there are lots of differences between resolution and restitution.

The word resolution means to be firm in decision making or a determination to do or not to do one thing or the order. While restitution is the act of giving that which was lost or stolen, back to its proper owner.

From the above definitions, it is clear that the two words have different meanings; one is an element of the other. In the process of making restitution, determination firm has to come in, before restitution can be fully acknowledged. That is to say restitution is one of the many steps that lead to restitution.

As we have resolution is common among both believers and non-believers, especially when the year is about ending or in the New Year resolution is this or that.

In Leviticus 6:1-4,” and the lord spoke unto Moses, saying, if a soul sin, and commit a trespass against the Lord, and he unto his neighbor in that which was delivered him to keep, or in fellowship, or in a thing taken away by violence, or hath deceived his neighbor, or have found that which was lost and lieth concerning it and sweareth falsely; in any of all this that a man doeth sinning there in; then it shall be, because he has sin and is guilty, that he shall restore that which he took violently away, or the thing which he hath deceitfully gotten, or that which was delivered him to keep, or the lost thing which he found’. You can also read Exodus 22:1-3, proverb6:30-31 and Ezekiel33:15.

These quoted areas from the scripture are all pointing towards a particular thing that restitution is meant for sinners. These sinners are in two categories: that is to say, resolution is one of the many steps that lead to restitution.

Those that are still in the act of sinning and are caught in the act may be asked to make restitution of the act. For example, a man caught stealing may be asked to pay back which he had stolen in sevenfold (Proverb 6:31, Ezek 33:15).

Those that are one-time sinners but now born-again, the scripture says they are new creatures. Old things have passed away” (2cor 2:17). Restitution is not a thing that one can just do, If not led by the spirit of God. Restitution, is mostly done, when the sinner is convinced and convicted by the Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit of God may not convince one to do restitution of certain things that one cannot restore (restitute). For example, one who had been a murderer, cannot restore the life he had wasted through the barrels of the gun; neither can a rapist restore the virginity to those he had raped. One can only restitute in some areas (especially physical objects) not on emotion of life.

This is more reason why the person restituting will have to make sure, God through His Holy Spirit is the one leading him. And if he his restoring a physical object to the owner, this might cause the owner to be curious about the man new faith and in the process, he too might become a believer.

The best resolution any man can make is resolution to accept Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Saviour and that can take place at any time of the year.

There are many reasons why people tend to make New Year resolution, but we will briefly talk about three.

  • People make New Year resolution because they want to change from one particular way of life. People make New Year resolution because they believe something was obviously wrong in their life styles that need correction. People make New Year resolution because of the fear of the future. You found out that most of these New Year resolutions don’t stand the test of time before they all fall away like a pack of cards, the reasons are not far-fetched. Most resolutions are not backed by the spirit of God. Most resolutions are not from sincere hearts and are hindered by the environment. Most resolutions are not based on the word of God.
  • But if a Christian must make a resolution, and he wants to keep it, then let him:
  • (A) Invite the Holy Spirit into that resolution
  • (B) Let it be from a sincere heart (Psalm17:8);
  • (C) Let him not succumb to the pressure of the environment (Dan1:8);
  • (D) Let such resolution be based upon the word of God ;
  • (E) Let him back it up with prayers and fasting;
  • (F) Lastly, let him make Jesus the main reason for his or her resolution.

It is a common thing at the beginning of the New Year to see many trying to abstain from alcoholism, fornication, adultery, smoking, stealing, lying, back-biting, lateness etc., but before you know it there are back to these things. You can’t make a resolution successfully without first accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour that is the first step.

As a believer, you need resolution more importantly than restitution. The reason had been that, restitution is based upon the conviction of the Holy Spirit. While resolution is what you know yourself, that this thing if I continue in it prayerfully.

Finally, it should be noted that resolution does not have to be a New Year syndrome but an everyday affair, so as to correct the abnormalities we noticed in our life styles. More so, resolution is not mere proposing in abstain from one thing off to adhere to one thing but a firm decision backed with strong conviction that must be so.

Restitution is based upon the conviction of the Holy Spirit. While resolution is what you know yourself, that this thing if I continue in it, it can cost me eternity then, you need to be determined to do away with it prayerfully.

By Rev. Mrs. V.M Balogun is the General Overseer of He’s Alive Ministries (aka Christ Gospel Miracle Centre, CGMC) Aladesuru, Papa Ajao, Mushin

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