Bishop Adegbite, NCPC boss, charges Christians to act their prayers  

The secretary of the Nigerian Christian Pilgrims Commission (NCPC), Bishop Stephen Adegbite, has appealed to Christians to act their prayers, and to also set the right standard in public offices.

He made this appeal in his address at the recent Impact Conference & Award 2024 held in Lagos by Triumphant Global Network Inc.

Archbishop Dr. Bayo Adejola, the national president of Triumphant Global Network Inc and chief host of the conference in his address, disclosed that the global network with its headquarters in the U.S was founded with a vision of bringing together ministers of God from all over the world for the unity of the body of Christ.

“Triumphant Global Network (TGN) Inc is a network that has its international headquarters in the U.S and a national headquarters in Nigeria. It is a network of great men of God from all over the world with a vision of coming together unifying the body of Christ.

“It is a coming together of leaders and leaders of leaders working together in achieving our visions. God has been helping us from place to place; country to country and this has been awesome.

“We normally gather like this once in a year in a conference where great men of God are invited to preach and teach us, and also where some leaders both in politics and in the Christendom are given awards. This is what we are doing today,” Archbishop Adejola explained.Archbishop Dr. Bayo Adejola: National President, Triumphant Global Network Inc.

Bishop Adegbite in his address on the conference’s theme: Understanding Ministry:  The Past, Present & New, delivered by his representative, Rev. Dapo Daramola, expressed concerns over the conducts of many Christians in public offices. He charged Christians in public offices to set the right standard for others to follow.

“As a body of Christ we have to pray but many times our actions do not suggest that we are actually praying. The Bible says we must watch and pray but we must learn to know what we are praying about. Romans 8:19 says, “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.”

“A Muslim came to right the wrong that a Christian did in JAMB. Ezekiel 22:30 says: “And I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it but found none.

“In our own time He has found us; we are standing in the gap. Fantastic, but the question is, are we acting what we are praying? When people get to our offices what happens? Do you do if you cannot beat them you join them? If we Christians are not setting the right standards how do we then address other people?

“The bottom line is as we gather here to pray, when we step out of this auditorium our actions must speak louder than the words of prayers we have said,” Adegbite, who is also the Lagos state CAN chairman, appealed.

Dr. Kunle Adeshina, the guest speaker from the United States, speaking on theme of the conference: Understanding Ministry:  The Past, Present & New, started with 2 Timothy 4:6 -8: “For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth, there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”

He said the summary of what ministry is about was in that particular 2 Timothy 4:6-8 . The speaker then noted that “Apostle Paul was a religious man and was very committed to the religion of Judaism but suddenly he had an encounter with Jesus Christ. His life changed and turned around completely, then he began to run with the new vision; the new race that had come up. That was what birthed his ministry.

He explains further: “During the course of his ministry he had a lot of challenges; they tried to take his life.  He made a statement; “I am now ready to be offered”. In other words, there was a time he wasn’t ready and there was nothing anybody could do about it. The time of his departure was at hand and he began to narrate the things that he did and how he approached them. He concluded saying “I have fought a good fight”.

“Someone defined a good fight as “a fight that you win.” If at the end of any fight, you are declared the loser, it is not a good fight no matter how much you have beaten your opponent. He said “I have finished my course” which was his assignment. Everyone has a course which is his destiny. Your course is your purpose for being here. He also said “I have kept the faith,” In other words, several things tried to take the faith from him but he kept it; he didn’t give up regardless of the issues of life. Whatever we are doing, let us not forget one thing; there’s a time we are going to come face to face with our maker to give account for ourselves to him and we will be rewarded accordingly.

“Many years ago, I was travelling to the northern part of the country to minister in a conference and I was thinking of a parable of Jesus loving righteousness and hating wickedness. I questioned what it means to love righteousness. The spirit in turn asked me what it means to love beer. Then I began to think. It immediately began to dawn on me. Even if a man who loves beer doesn’t have the money to get it, he would look for any means. When you love something, you don’t only enjoy it; you would love to see other people enjoying it. Likewise when you love to see the appearing of the Lord, you would be earnestly seeking the End-time and you would do whatever is necessary and within your capacity to encourage other people to look forward to it. It was then, I understood.”

Rev. Adeshina then emphaised that understanding ministry is very crucial, saying, “You must understand the necessary effort that is required to do it effectively. If you don’t understand ministry, you can’t do it acceptably. There’s an acceptable ministry and the one that isn’t acceptable. If you don’t understand ministry, the zeal to do it correctly will be weakened. You won’t be able to do it with joy and excitement. You won’t do it  faithfully and you won’t be willing to pay any required sacrifice to do it correctly.

“Understanding ministry will enable you to be focused. It will enable you to fight a good fight. It will enable you to finish your course and finish strong. It will enable you to keep the faith to the end. It will enable you to be expectant of the second coming of the Lord. It is important to note that to know what ministry is, you need to know what ministry is not. The greatest challenge you see in the world today is as a result of lack of the knowledge of what ministry is. Ministry is not a job or career. You can get a job or career anywhere but ministry is a calling. You don’t walk into ministry without being called into it.

“If you’re not called, the grace to do it will not be there because you are on your own. Ministry is not about personal gain. It is not for wealth, status or fame. You can get all those things without venturing into ministry. Ministry is also not limited to clergy. it is not for ordained leaders. Everyone has an assignment he is supposed to be doing. Ministry is not restricted to church work. You can do it outside the church. Ministry happens in everyday life outside the church. Ministry is not only about preaching. it also involves serving, teaching and caring for other people. Ministry requires collaboration and support. Ministry is not without challenges.

“Anyone that is not ready for challenges is not prepared for the ministry. Challenges will rise up. Satan will raise up challenge(s) especially when he realizes that you are a potential danger to him. The greatest challenge we are facing especially in this part of the world, Nigeria, it is because of the potential threat that the body of Christ has especially in these last days but something is happening now in the body of Christ which I refer to as “auto-immune disease.” When you see the body attacking the body for different reasons, it is a spiritual disease. Several people are getting discouraged because there is conflict. Everyone is saying something different. Ministry is not only for the perfect. It is also for the imperfect people serving a perfect God as long as you obey. Ministry is not about judgment but love, grace and redemption. It is not given to man to judge. God has reserved that for Himself. Ministry is not limited to a specific age. it is for all ages.

“Ministry is for everyone regardless of spiritual gift. It is important to note that ministry is not without accountability. It requires accountability, integrity and transparency.  ministry is all about serving God with humility, love and dedication. A minister is a servant not just with words but also by action with the aim of spreading the Christian faith. Ministry is with the aim of providing spiritual guidance and support to foster the progress and advancement in the physical and emotional needs of their community. If a man is impacting his community, he is not doing so much. Ministry promotes spiritual growth and the development of believers,” the guest exaplained.Dr. Kunle Adeshina while ministering at the conferenceArchbishop Dr. Bayo Adejola and Apostle Wole Oladiyun at the conference

Apostle Wole Oladiyun and Bishop Dr. Wale Adekoya at the conferenceL-R: Archbishop Bayo Adejola, Rev. Dapo Daramola (Representative of Bishop Stephen Adegbite) and Bishop Theophilous Ajose at the conference


  1. Bishopn STV Adegbite (Represented by Rev. Dapo Daramola)
  2. Archbishop Dr. Bayo Adejola (The Chief Host)
  3. Dr. Kunle Adeshina (The Guest speaker from United States of America)
  4. Apostle Dr. Wole Oladiyun
  5. Archbishop Mike Akinyoade
  6. Bishop Dr. Wale Adekoya (from United States of America)
  7. Bishop Taiwo Ajose
  8. Archbishop Caleb Arogundade
  9. Archbishop Solomon Segun Lebi
  10. Bishop Nath Beredugo
  11. Bishop Sam Agbebi
  12. Bishop Godwin Morakinyo
  13. Dr. Dele Ajayi (President Chaplain, Christ The Chapel, Alausa, Lagos)
  14. Apostle Femi Agbebaku


  1. Bishop Stephen Adegite, Chairman, Nigerian Christian Pilgrims Commission (NCPC)
  2. Dr. Kunle Adeshina (TGN Award of Excellence in Leadership)
  3. Apostle Dr. Lawrenre Achudume (TGN Award of Excellence in Leadership)
  4. Mr, Omotayo Fifo (TGN Award of Excellence in Social Impact)

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